Life Saver
Yes, we said CANDY! We know it is not the most healthy thing for us. But if we are honest, we need it. So since we need it, we also need a list of candy that is safe for people with nut allergies.
We looked around the web and found a pretty comprehensive list at Urban Taste Bud. We don’t believe in recreating the wheel, so just click on the link to go there. Now, please note that there is no guarantee that the information is accurate, but at least it is a start. For example, below you will see the list for Hershey’s. It includes the chocolate bars as safe. But on the larger size bars, you can see that they are made on shared equipment with products that include tree nuts, etc. So always be careful.
- good and plenty
- hershey’s chocolate bar (plain chocolate bars only)
- jolly rancher hard candy
- jolly rancher gummies
- kisses (plain kisses only)
- milk duds
- rolos
- twirlers
- whoppers